Sunday, February 28, 2010

Doberman Pinscher

Im watching you PUNK Pictures, Images and Photos
Life Span: About 8 to 10 years

Selection of colors of the fur: black, red, blue, or fawn with rust color on the muzzle, chest, throat, legs, feet, and below the tail.

Coat: Shorthair, smooth, and sleek. Doberman Pinschers have very little shedding, but twice a year is a heavier hair loss.

Grooming: Doberman Pinschers need a bath every other week or as needed. They need their nails trimmed and their ears clean once a week.

Weight: Male: 80 to 95 pounds
Females: 65 to 76 pounds

Personality: Doberman Pinschers are a highly intelligent, alert, fearless, energetic, obedient, and loyal companion.

Trainability: High

Activity Level: Doberman Pinschers have a high activity level, so they need a three times day long walk so they stay out of trouble.

Known Health Problems: bleeding disorders, hip dysplasia, wobbler's syndrome(a disorder that causes dogs to wobble)

Are Doberman Pinschers good with children? If they have been trained well and were socialized with children.

Are Doberman Pinschers good with other pets? If they are socialized as pups, and continue being socialized with other pets than they are usually good with other pets. But do not have two of the same sex Doberman Pinschers to be together. This may cause a dog fight.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Saint Bernard

wilburton!!! Pictures, Images and Photos
Life Span: About 7 to 9 years

Group: Working Group(AKC)
Guardian Dog(UKC)

Grooming: Saint Bernards need to be bathed monthly. When the fur is short use a hound glove or a curry brush. For a long coat: brush twice week or as needed.

Females: 120 to 140 pounds
Males: 140 to 180 pounds

Personality: Saint bernard's are usually gentle, intelligent, dignified, and protective of the family.

Moderate to high

Are saint bernards good with children? Yes, if socialized with children while pups.

Are Saint Bernard's good with pets?

Yes, if socialized with other pets.

More Information: If you don't like drool than this type of dog isn't for you. Saint Bernard's drool alot. They grow up to be pretty big, so watch other small pets and children with this pooch. Saint bernard's were bred to guard, pull carts, be a companion, and also snow rescue.