Saturday, May 30, 2009

Keeping Your Pets Cool In Summer

Keeping your pets cool in summer is really important. Make sure your pets have plenty of water and ice cubes(whether they are inside or out). If your pet is outside, have a dog house for them to stay out of the sunshine and into cooler shade. Let them inside when the heat index is high to keep them cool. Try to keep your pets coat short, but you want to make sure your dog can have their fur coat shaved. Certain types of dogs need to keep their fur coat on because they get sun burns easily. If you are not careful, your dog can become overheated, have heat stroke, suffer from brain damage, or even die. Never keep your pet in your car, even if they are in the shade unless your air conditioner is on and pointed towards your pet.

Friday, May 29, 2009


Dalmation Puppies

                                                                                             Adult Dalmation
Dog Group: Scenthound and pointer

Family: Agressive toward certain types of dogs and too entergetic for small children

Weight: Male:40 to 60 LBS
              Female:40 to 60 LBS

Health: Prone to Deafness and Urolithiasis(Kidney stone in the urinary tract)

Classification of Dalmation Kennal Clubs:
AKC: Non-Sporting Group Ranked No. 80
CKC: Gun Dog Group
UKC: Companion Breeds
FCI: Group 6 Section 3 (Scenthounds)
ANKC: Group 7 (Non-Sporting)
NZKC: Non-Sporting

Grooming: Very Low amount of Grooming
Life Span: 12 to 14 Years

Extra Information: Dalmations are born pure white and they get their spots later. They are not the best dog for small children and need plenty of walks. They have a tendancy to chew things on the floor or to steal your food off the counter.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Toy Fox Terrier

Dog Group: Terrier

Family: Playful and Affectionate with ONE family homes

Weight: Male: 8-11 LBS
Female: 3.5-7 LBS

Health: Not anything Major. But may have Thyroid Issues

Classification of: AKC:Toy Group
CKC:Miscellaneous (Not Recognized yet)
UKC:Terrier Group

Grooming: Minimal Amount of Brushing

Extra Information: Toy Fox Terriers were bred to catch rodents on farms and inside homes. They are very feisty and loving dogs that can be a hand-full at times. They love to play and will need plenty of walking to keep them under control because of their "High Activity." They do not do very well in Cold Climates because of their short coat. If you live in a cold climate, make sure you have a sweater on your Toy Fox Terrier to keep them warm.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Ways to Prevent Knots
  • Brush your pets everyday.
  • Use conditioner to make knots easier to brush through.
  • Brush your pet before you bathe them.
  • Use cornstarch to get the knots out.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Hello Mother Hello Father Frontline Song

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